Katalogetics identifies and tenderly dismantles confidence in false pretenses that oppose the knowledge and Truth of Jesus Christ.
What are the criteria of arguments and pretenses that need to be dismantled? As Christians, we cannot just accept ideas and arguments promoted by people we trust and respect. The enemy is real and is looking to use the influence of our leaders, so we must know how to identify a leader who is in error.
As followers of Christ, we must know what is Godly knowledge and what is opposed to Godly knowledge. Of course, this process of identifying false pretenses should be done with prayer and Godly conversations surrounding Biblical theology, but we also need a litmus test of sorts. The following list is far from exhaustive, but is a good start in outlining the criteria of arguments and pretenses that set themselves against the knowledge of God. Please feel free to help me adjust this list by commenting below.
- Specifically mentioned in the Old Testament and confirmed by the New Testament as being opposed to Godly knowledge.
- Dismissive of, or in opposition to the words of Jesus Christ.
- Doctrine that cannot be verified by Scripture.
- Theology based solely in extra-Biblical sources.
- Falsehoods and/or lies.
- Specifically undermines Christian doctrine.
If an argument or pretense meets one or more of the above criteria, chances are, it is in opposition to Jesus Christ and must be systematically dismantled in order to increase the effectiveness of apologetics. For example, the idea of God using evolution to create, theistic evolution, meets all six of these criteria and is in need of dismantling.
1 – Specifically mentioned in the Old Testament and confirmed by the New Testament as being opposed to Godly knowledge.
Special Creation is specifically mentioned & confirmed, multiple times throughout the Old Testament and the New Testament. The idea of natural forces causing species to emerge is in direct conflict with a Supernatural Deity speaking species into existence “Ex Nihilo.”
2 – Dismissive of, or in opposition to the words of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ specifically mentions the Genesis account as being true, yet the idea of theistic evolution dismisses Christ.
Matthew 19:4 – “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’”
John 5:46 & 47 – “If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me. 47 But since you do not believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what I say?”
3 – Doctrine that cannot be verified by Scripture.
Theistic evolution negates the truth of humans being supernaturally created in the image of God, of which, is a core doctrinal tenet of the Judeo-Christian narrative. Plus, the reality of sin entering the world through the bloodline of one man, Adam, is the fundamental reason for Messianic redemption.
All Scripture pertaining to creatures emerging into existence is communicated as being a supernatural work of God, otherwise called a miracle. In fact, the inverse is also true. The idea of natural forces causing new life forms to emerge into existence cannot be verified by Scripture.
4 – Theology based solely in extra-Biblical sources.
All references and sources that are in support of the idea of God using evolution are found outside of Scripture.
5 – Falsehoods and/or lies.
Biological evolution is touted as being a scientific fact, yet it cannot meet the criteria of science. Therefore, those promoting biological evolution are spreading lies and teaching falsehoods. The accommodation of lies and falsehoods into the story of Jesus Christ is contrary to the ONE who claims to be TRUTH.
6 – Specifically undermines Christian doctrine.
The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is logically & theologically pointless if humans are not sinful by nature due to receiving a cursed birthright via the bloodline of Adam. Theistic Evolutionists claim there to have never been a lone man named Adam, but instead a family group of humans emerged into existence via Darwinian processes. Theistic evolution specifically undermines this fundamental aspect of Christian doctrine.
For more information on problems with theistic evolution, visit: